Coastal Risk Finder
Climate Central's Surging Seas Risk Finder aims to provide citizens, communities and policymakers with easily accessible, science-based, local information to help you understand and respond to the risks of sea level rise and coastal flooding. Risk Finder also provides customized downloadable tables and figures to make it easier for you to spread the word.
While planning for an updated Risk Finder tool, to be relaunched as Coastal Risk Finder, discussions between Climate Central and key stakeholder groups identified an opportunity for the updated Risk Finder to be leveraged to support emerging communities’ proposals for FEMA coastal resilience grants.
Using our extensive expertise in building data-rich, locality-specific online tools on coastal flood risk, Climate Central will rapidly design, develop, and deploy a free, user-friendly online tool—the FEMA Application Community-Support Tool (FACST)—and then provide training and support to at-risk communities so that they are positioned to use the tool efficiently and effectively. The design process, already well along, reflects extensive input from frontline communities and will be further refined with additional input from them. FACST will help local officials and non-experts generate the necessary sea level rise and coastal flood risk information and materials to include in grant applications to FEMA.
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