
Environmental Research: Climate
Human-caused ocean warming has intensified recent hurricanes (November 2024)
This study introduces a novel rapid attribution framework that quantifies the impact of historically-warming North Atlantic SSTs on observed hurricane maximum wind speeds.

Nature Communications: Earth & Environment
Planned relocation may reduce communities’ future exposure to coastal inundation but effect varies with emission scenario and geography (November 2024)
The planned, permanent relocation of entire communities away from sea level rise (SLR) and coastal floods is an already occurring climate change adaptation strategy. Yet, planned relocations are fraught undertakings with multiple goals, and may or may not achieve their most basic objective: to reduce risk.

Environmental Research Letters
Substantial reduction in population exposure to sea level changes along the Chinese mainland coast through emission mitigation (September 2024)
This study assesses the future exposure at provincial and city levels populations coastal mainland China coast to local sea level changes under five greenhouse gas (GHG) emission scenarios from IPCC-AR6.

American Meteorological Society
Human Fingerprints on Daily Temperatures in 2022 (July 2024)
The year 2022 was an exceptional year for heat worldwide. While human-induced climate change is no doubt responsible for the globally increasing rate and intensity of extreme heat, there is an ongoing need to investigate and communicate the extent of this human influence depending on time of year, region, and event persistence. The World Weather Attribution (WWA) initiative has pioneered rapid attribution approaches to enable quantitative attribution of human influences on individual heat events, and regularly publishes detailed attribution reports using peer-reviewed methods. In this study, we use our automated real-time attribution system (Gilford et al. 2022) to expand on WWA’s capacity, producing a hindcast of daily attribution estimates in 2022. Also, using WWA reports for two events as a benchmark, we demonstrate the attributable scale and spatial–temporal scope of similarly defined events around the world in 2022.

Environmental Research: Climate
Attributing daily ocean temperatures to anthropogenic climate change (May 2024)
Ocean temperatures are rising and hit record levels around the world in 2023. We present an operational system to estimate the impact of human-caused climate change on daily sea surface temperatures anywhere in the ocean.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Climate migration amplifies demographic change and population aging (January 2024)
We project climate migration driven by sea-level rise through 2100 in the United States, incorporating fertility and gravity effects to capture secondary population processes, which we call 'demographic amplification.'

A multi-method framework for global real-time climate attribution (June 2022)
Human-driven climate change has caused a wide range of extreme weather events to become more frequent in recent decades. Although increased and intense periods of extreme weather are expected consequences of anthropogenic climate warming, it remains challenging to rapidly and continuously assess the degree to which human activity alters the probability of specific events. This study introduces a new framework to enable the production and communication of qlobal real-time estimates of how human-driven climate change has changed the likelihood of daily weather events.

Environmental Research Communications
Resilience of U.S. coastal wetlands to accelerating sea level rise (June 2022)
Coastal wetlands provide a wide array of ecosystem services, valued at trillions of dollars per year globally. Although accelerating sea level rise (SLR) poses the long-term threat of inundation to coastal areas, wetlands may be sustained in two ways: by positive net surface-elevation change (SEC) from sediment and organic matter buildup and by accumulation, or horizontal migration into refugia—low-lying, undeveloped upland areas that become inundated.

Environmental Research Letters
Unprecedented Threats to Cities from Multi-century Sea Level Rise (October 2021)
Using state-of-the-art new global elevation and population data, we show here that, under high emissions scenarios leading to 4○C warming and a median projected 8.9 m of global mean sea level rise within a roughly 200- to 2000-year envelope, 50 major cities, mostly in Asia, would need to defend against globally unprecedented levels of exposure, if feasible, or face partial to near-total extant area losses.

Nature Communications
Economic Damages from Hurricane Sandy Attributable to Sea Level Rise Caused by Anthropogenic Climate Change (May 2021)
Using historical and alternative sea level reconstructions, plus flood simulations to determine how much climate change contributed to damage inflicted by the 2012 storm, this study found that sea level rise caused by carbon emissions accounted for approximately 13% ($8.1 billion) of the $62.7 billion in losses incurred by New York, New Jersey and Connecticut from Hurricane Sandy.

Environmental Research Letters
Sea level rise and coastal flooding threaten affordable housing (December 2020)
The frequency of coastal floods around the United States has risen sharply over the last few decades, and rising seas point to further future acceleration. Residents of low-lying affordable housing, who tend to be low-income persons living in old and poor quality structures, are especially vulnerable.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Impact of the Climate Matters Program on Public Understanding of Climate Change (October 2020)
Climate Matters is a localized climate change reporting resources program developed to support television (TV) weathercasters across the United States. Developed as a pilot test in one media market in 2010, it launched nationwide in 2013; in the autumn of 2019 more than 797 weathercasters were participating in the program. In this paper we present evidence of the impact of the Climate Matters program on Americans’ science-based understanding of climate change.

Science of the Total Environment
A method for regional estimation of climate change exposure of coastal infrastructure: Case of USVI and the influence of digital elevation models on assessments (March 2020)
This study tests the impacts of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data on an exposure assessment methodology developed to quantify flooding of coastal infrastructure from storms and sea level rise on a regional scale.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Localized climate reporting by TV weathercasters enhances public understanding of climate change as a local problem: Evidence from a randomized controlled experiment (January 2020)
Providing climate information via trusted communicators in local media is an effective approach to increasing understanding and acceptance of, concern about, and engagement with climate change across the political ideology spectrum.

Transportation Research
Employment accessibility and rising seas (December 2019)
Recent projections suggest worst-case scenarios of more than six ft (1.8 m) of global mean sea-level rise by end of century, progressively making coastal flood events more frequent and more severe. The impact on transportation systems along coastal regions is likely to be substantial.

Nature Climate Change
Meeting the looming policy challenge of sea-level change and human migration (December 2019)
Minimizing the adverse consequences of sea-level change presents a key societal challenge. New modelling is necessary to examine the implications of global policy decisions that determine future greenhouse gas emissions and local policies around coastal risk that influence where and how we live.

Nature Communications
New elevation data triple estimates of global vulnerability to sea-level rise and coastal flooding (October 2019
By 2050 sea level rise will push average annual coastal floods higher than land now home to 300 million people.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Reporting on climate change by broadcast meteorologists: A national assessment (October 2019)
Television weathercasters are uniquely situated to inform their audiences about the local impacts of global climate change and a growing number of them are adopting the role of climate change educator.

Environmental Research Letters
Extreme sea level implications of 1.5 °C, 2.0 °C, and 2.5 °C temperature stabilization targets in the 21st and 22nd centuries (March 2019)
Sea-level rise is magnifying the frequency and severity of extreme sea levels that can cause coastal flooding. The rate and amount of global mean sea-level rise is a function of the trajectory of global mean surface temperature. Therefore, temperature stabilization targets have important implications for coastal flood risk.

Remote Sensing of the Environment
CoastalDEM: A global coastal digital elevation model improved from SRTM using a neural network (March 2018)
This paper Introduces an improved global coastal elevation dataset, called CoastalDEM, and the methodology used to develop it.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
TV Weathercasters’ Views of Climate Change Appear to Be Rapidly Evolving (October 2017)
More than 90% of weathercasters indicated that climate change is happening and approximately 80% indicated that human-caused climate change is happening in this survey update.

Earth's Future
Evolving understanding of Antarctic ice-sheet physics and ambiguity in probabilistic sea-level projections (December 2017)
We link a probabilistic framework for sea‐level projections to a small ensemble of Antarctic ice‐sheet (AIS) simulations incorporating these physical processes to explore their influence on global‐mean sea‐level (GMSL) and relative sea‐level (RSL).

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Most Americans Want to Learn More About Climate Change (June 2017)
American Meteorological Society (AMS) members have long played leading roles in climate science research in the United States and internationally.