Decker Anstrom, Corporate Secretary

Landmark Communications

Decker Anstrom served on the board of directors of Discovery Communications, as well as several national non profit environmental groups (Island Press and Planet Forward) and Arena Stage Theater in Washington DC. Anstrom previously served as U.S. Ambassador and head of the delegation to the 2012 and 2015 World Radio Communication conferences.
He retired as President of Landmark Communications and Chairman of The Weather Channel Companies (Cable TV Network,, and WSI). In 2008, following sale of the companies to NBC, he served on the board of directors of Comcast Corporation.

Prior to his positions at Landmark, Anstrom enjoyed a long career in public service and in the communications industry. During the Carter Administration, he served as senior staff member in the White House office of Management and Budget, working on the creation of the US Department of Education, and later in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel. He subsequently joined and became President of Public Strategies, a Washington-based public policy consulting firm.

In 1987 he joined the National Cable Television Association (NCTA) as Executive Vice President; he became President and CEO in 1994. During his tenure he led the cable industry's efforts that helped result in the Telecommunications Act of 1996. In 1999, Anstrom joined The Weather Channel Companies as President and CEO. In 2002 he became President of Landmark Communications, a privately-held diversified media company that owned newspapers, local television stations, database centers and print and advertising businesses as well as the Weather Channel Companies, at which time he helped introduce new programming regarding climate change. In addition, Anstrom served on numerous community non-profit and cable industry boards, including NCTA, which he chaired for two years.