
Resilient Communities Start Here

Did you know that 40% of Americans live along our nation's coasts? Coastal flooding made worse by rising sea levels already impacts the lives of 129 million coastal residents. What if these communities had the ability to see how flood risk is increasingly affecting their neighborhoods, their schools, their roads, even their homes?

Climate Central has developed an innovative tool that makes the impact of climate change visible before the next disaster strikes.

As we drive the Flood Vision® vehicle ("FloodRover") through coastal communities, we scan the streets to collect video, laser, and elevation data. Then, using artificial intelligence, we can generate photorealistic flood and sea level rise visualizations with precision. We believe that FloodVision presents an important opportunity to drive action on coastal resiliency at a time when climate change is posing an increasing threat to people around the country.
FloodVision Original Image 2024

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FloodVision image mapping

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FloodVision image mapping
FL FtLauderdale 20230303-FtLauderdale-Day1 3 0035790 IntHigh-50-2050-RL10 render (2)

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Modeled Visualization: FloodVision future flood projections

Clouds ‘Cool Earth Less Than Once Thought’Clouds ‘Cool Earth Less Than Once Thought’
FloodVision Case StudyS4A9817-2

FloodVision Case Study

A regional approach to communicating flood risk in Northeast Florida

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