Climate MattersApril 1, 2022


Next week’s biggest climate news will be the Monday, April 4 release of a landmark scientific report focused on mitigating climate change, from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Climate change mitigation refers to actions that slow the rate of climate change by: 

Climate Central’s reporting resources can help you help cover Monday’s IPCC report for audiences around the U.S. The report themes include:

Different sources of heat-trapping emissions


National and Global Emissions Sources (2020)


Yearly Carbon Dioxide Peak

Mitigation pathways for the future


Future Warming Choices for 240+ U.S. locations

Climate solutions by sector and activity, including:


WeatherPower Year in Review


Solar Power Solutions Brief


Solutions Series: Wind Energy and Brief


The Power of Trees: Fighting Floodwaters


Fall Farming: Sustaining Our Soild and Planet


Picturing Our Future


Urban Heat Islands


Solutions Series: Creating Climate-Friendly Homes


Solutions Series: Electric Vehicles

More context for IPCC Reports: 

The IPCC, established in 1988, is a UN body dedicated to providing governments with scientific information that can be used to develop climate policies grounded in the latest science.

A core contribution of the IPCC is its periodic scientific assessment reports. Every 5-8 years, the IPCC releases a set of reports that review and distill thousands of scientific papers into a comprehensive summary of our current understanding of global climate change.

Monday’s report is the third in a series of reports focused on:

As with all other IPCC reports, next week’s report will be a systematic review of the latest scientific knowledge. The report themes are solutions-oriented, but the report will not advocate for specific mitigation options. 

IPCC reports have long been a key input to international climate change negotiations, whichv will continue this November with COP27 in Egypt. 

Check out Climate Central’s resources on COP26, net zero emissions, and the U.S. return to the Paris Agreement to learn more.