Climate MattersMay 11, 2022

Changing Thunderstorm Potential


Seasonal Change GIF - Changing Thunderstorm Potential
Seasonal Change GIF
Annual Change - Changing Thunderstorm Potential
Annual Change

Severe weather —thunderstorms which include tornadoes,damaging wind, and/or hail—account for nearly half (47%) of the 323 billion-dollar weather disasters that have impacted the U.S. since 1980. This week, we look at how one key indicator of thunderstorm severity—Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE)—has changed with recent warming.

Thunderstorm severity is a sliding scale. Warm, rising air is central to the formation of thunderstorms. The amount of energy available for this rising air is called convective available potential energy (CAPE)

Severe thunderstorm potential is highest in spring—and getting higher. To understand how thunderstorm potential has changed with rising temperatures, Climate Central analyzed trends in CAPE values across the U.S. from 1979 to 2021.

The (convective) continental divide. Whether thunderstorm potential has been increasing or decreasing since 1979 depends on which half of the country you’re in. 

Severe weather and the climate connection. Assessing how climate change impacts severe weather is challenging because severe storms are complex, local, and short-lived.


What does severe weather look like near you?
NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center has local thunderstorm forecast, tornado watch, and convection mapping tools. They also have an interactive map of severe weather data dating back to 1992. For immediate severe weather watch, see the National Weather Service’s customizable severe weather monitor.

How is severe weather impacting your community?
Thunderstorms are a common weather-related cause of power outages; if thunderstorms go up, outages go up. Outage risk is local and depends on transmission line integrity, utility company practices, etc. Track power outages across the country, and get to know your local energy infrastructure. Additionally, compound extreme events are projected to become more frequent. This complicates risk and decision-making during disaster; for example one may need to choose whether to shelter in the basement or attic during a concurrent thunderstorm-tornado. Severe weather may lead to businesses shutdown, infrastructure damage, and road closures which can be monitored through the National Weather Service tool.


The SciLine service, 500 Women Scientists or the press offices of local universities may be able to connect you with local scientists who have expertise on severe weather and climate change. The American Association of State Climatologists is a professional scientific organization composed of all state climatologists



Daily maximum convective available potential energy (CAPE) from 1979-2021 was calculated for the contiguous United States using data from the North American Regional Reanalysis. The number of days CAPE met or exceeded 1,000 J/kg (generally considered the lower threshold for severe storms) was calculated for each season and summed to calculate the annual total. Linear regression analysis was used to calculate an estimate of total change.