Climate MattersMay 1, 2019

Annual CO2 Peak & Day of Prayer

Annual CO2 Peak & Day of Prayer
Set 2 - Annual CO2 Peak & Day of Prayer
Set 2
Set 1 - Annual CO2 Peak & Day of Prayer
Set 1

As May begins, we are nearing the annual peak atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) — the greenhouse gas that contributes most to human-caused climate change. CO2 does vary seasonally, peaking in May as the Northern Hemisphere’s plants blossom and breathe in more CO2 during the summer. Still, the year-to-year increase in CO2 is unmistakable. When this year’s peak is announced (see here for daily updates), it will be the highest level in at least two million years. The last time CO2 levels were this high, trees grew near the South Pole and sea levels were 50 to 65 feet higher than today.

history of CO2

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Ice core data show ups and downs for CO2 in the last 800,000 years, but the rapid increase since the industrial revolution is unprecedented. This increase leads to the rise in global temperatures — the foundation for climate change impacts that are affecting us here and now. Even if we halted our emissions today, these impacts wouldn’t disappear; CO2 stays in the atmosphere for a thousand years or more. Cutting our carbon footprint is the greatest challenge of our time, but solutions do exist. From renewable energy and energy efficiency to cleaner and agriculture, sustainable practices are ready for use.


houses of worship at risk

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May 2 is the National Day of Prayer. And as sea levels rise thanks to climate change, it’s not just homes, businesses, and infrastructure that will be at risk — it’s also houses of worship. Climate Central’s new report looks at the threat they’ll face from flooding in the coming decades.

By 2050, the analysis found, 499 houses of worship will stand on land projected to flood at least once a year, on average, if warming emissions continue to grow unchecked. Louisiana, Florida, and North Carolina have the most houses of worship in areas at risk. Cuts to emissions would reduce the danger.

Houses of worship can help by taking adaptive measures against flooding. They can also reduce their own emissions by improving their energy efficiency or generating renewable electricity on-site. Because more than two thirds of Americans attend religious services at least a few times each year, the examples of environmental stewardship set by congregations can resonate far beyond their walls.

For more, read the report
